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Symbala of the Month: September 2007

Madeline C. Gerwick

Madeline C. Gerwick

"To me the energy of this Personal Symbala feels like I'm bursting out all over. It gives me great energy and joy just to look at it! Right now it's in my bedroom and I see it when I awake each day. So it's a big energy hit that gets me moving in the mornings, showing me how I'm bursting out into the world now. It was quite synchronous to receive this Symbala on the first day I hosted my own radio show on KKNW. I have the smaller one on my desk, reminding me that I'm generating a lot of energy and light these days. Thanks so much for such an incredibly wonderful Symbala!"

Madeline C. Gerwick
Certified Business and Personal Astrologer
Polaris Business Guides, LLC
Toll free: 877-524-8300

"When workplaces become "work-tribes" that create nourishment for life and we learn how to partner with the Universe, our creativity and productivity will accelerate exponentially, and we'll all live in a truly abundant Universe." -- Madeline G