What is a Symbala? The Symbala World of Lahrinda Eileen Lahrinda's Personal Symbala

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Symbala of the Month: October 2013

Madeline Gerwick

Madeline Gerwick's Symbala

“I love both the energy and patterning of this Symbala. It feels like my passions are reaching further and further out into the world, or even the Universe, in finer and finer ways. There’s a feeling of stretching myself, but not in a hard way. More like my energies are being 'feathered out' or flying to more places. The patterning in this Symbala is extremely intricate and full of layers. There are parts that look like hearts, others that look like wings. So it’s easy to imagine that my heart is taking flight and flying around the world.

“I also love the colors and textures of this Symbala. The center which contains a lot of red, orange, and yellow seems to harbor my intense passion, while the area surrounding that passion feels like it’s green and growing. I also love that the yellow, orange and reds reappear at the edges, suggesting my passion is reaching out to new places and people.

"There’s also the old saying that, 'The eyes have it!' This Symbala certainly reminds me of that saying, since they seem to be seeing everything in all directions. Perhaps I will be seeing more and more of the world or its mysteries from many new directions? I particularly love the intricate, sacred - geometry center, which certainly reflects my own inner complexities and the mysteries of everything at the center of it all. Yet it also contains a crystal clear star, suggesting clarity and clear purpose at the center, too. Thank you, Lahrinda, for such a wonderful, Personal Symbala!”

Madeline C Gerwick
Polaris Business Guides, LLC
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