What is a Symbala? The Symbala World of Lahrinda Eileen Lahrinda's Personal Symbala

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Symbala of the Month: July 2006

Steven Pepping

Steven Pepping's Symbala

"I got the Symbala in the mail yesterday evening. It looks really great. It is fun to meditate with the 7 energy. There are birds with geometry heads, lotus blossom, lots of swirling energy. It does feel very peaceful and loving with a lot of bird messengers coming through...the bird people ya know?

"I have noticed some other details with the Symbala as I have mediated with it. In the inner circle at the center there are several groupings of five (instead of seven)...seven and five equal twelve. The descriptions of those other numbers on your chart have some minor meanings in my life. Since you did this Symbala for me, I have had more direct contact with Arch Angel Uriel and Goddess Danu which is one of my guides. I have also been in more interactive contact with the Hierarchy Of Light and the Council Of The Galactic Federation. Some of my personal healing has been accelerated and new gifts to transform negative energies and entities have been given to me. The Symbala tends to show the complexity of the being that I am.

"My beautiful Symbala brings me joy, centeredness, strength, fullness and a remembrance of all that I am. I send thanks and love to Lahrinda every time I see the Symbalas - both my own personal one and the other pieces of her body of work I have. What a wonderful gift she has to bring these into being."

Peace, Love and Light,
Steven Pepping, MA
Multi-Cultural Shamanism 22 years on the path